GEM Hereford

GEM HerefordGEM Hereford

English as an Additional Language

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Statement of intent

In this policy, the term ‘English as an Additional Language’ (EAL) refers to young people whose main language at home is a language other than English.

Young People with EAL will face various difficulties throughout their academic life. A young persons aptitude for English will vary, but many will face barriers to learning, accessing the curriculum and reaching their full potential. Young people with EAL must learn in and through another language. In addition, they may come from different cultural backgrounds to their peers and face different expectations of language, education and learning.

This policy has been established to ensure all young people with EAL at the school are given the best chance possible to reach their full potential.
GEM School Hereford aims to:

Our strategic objectives are to:

Legal framework

This policy has due regard to legislation and guidance including, but not limited to, the following:

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following school policies:

Roles and responsibilities

The governing board and the board of directors will have overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy.  

The headteacher will be responsible for:

The EAL lead will be responsible for:

All staff members will be responsible for:


Where a young person with EAL is assessed as having little to no English, support will be provided in the form of induction classes. These classes focus on practical, everyday English. During the induction period, typically lasting six weeks but varying dependant on the young persons progress, they will still take part in PE, art and maths classes.

In-class support and small group work is utilised as soon as the young person can be successfully integrated into the classroom environment. The young person will still spend time with their intervention teacher on a daily basis. 


The school utilises a strategy of inclusion, and the positive and effective use of language. The strategy includes the following principles:

Initial assessments

When young people first join the school, they will undertake a timely initial assessment to gauge their English abilities in an informal manner that does not make the pupil feel isolated or inferior.

The assessment will be carried out using the form provided in Appendix 1.

Initial assessments are carried out by the EAL lead, and completed assessments are held on the young person’s profile.

Teachers of the young person will be allowed access to the assessment to inform their teaching and lesson planning. The young person and their parents may view the assessment at any time.

Classroom practice

Teachers have high expectations of all students.

Classroom activities will be matched to students’ needs and abilities with visual supports being utilised where possible.

Teachers will consider common misconceptions and language barriers, such as reading ‘3 x 3’, where ‘x’ is read as the letter and not a function and clarify meanings accordingly.

Where possible, the following practices will be utilised to improve students’ literacy:

Language skills will be developed through:

Active participation will be encouraged by:

Classroom displays will reflect cultural and linguistic diversity.
Assessment methods will allow students to show what they can do in all curriculum areas.
Bilingual dictionaries are available to aid students with EAL and dual language textbooks are available and used where possible.
Prior to any private tuition or one-to-one support, the pupil is informed of the purpose of the session and the objectives.

Access to the curriculum

The needs of students with EAL are considered by teachers when planning lessons. When planning lessons, teachers will ensure that:

Working with parents

Liaison with parents is vital to the creation of a strong home and school partnership, which can ensure the development of students with EAL. To aid this partnership, the school will:

Students with SEND

A child is not regarded to have SEND solely because their home language is different from the language in which they are taught at school.

A proportion of students with EAL may have one or more types of SEND and it is imperative that this is identified at an early stage. Assessments of SEN of students with EAL will involve EAL specialists along with SEND specialists.

Where appropriate, the school will arrange an assessment in the child’s first language and SEND support will be decided on an individual basis in the manner outlined within the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy.

The school will ensure that the parents or carers of a pupil with SEND are not prevented from presenting their views throughout the process and are clearly informed at every stage.

Monitoring and review

The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored continually by the headteacher and the governing board and the board of directors of GEM Hereford. Any necessary amendments will be made immediately.

The next scheduled review date for this policy is stated on the version control rubric found of the front cover of this policy.

The school will establish a monitoring system that is backed up by performance measures and this will be reviewed following an incident.

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