GEM Hereford

GEM HerefordGEM Hereford

Our Team

Senior Management
Director - Debra Thomas (email)
Headteacher - Rachel Ballance (email)
Business Manager - Justin Haines (email)
Pastoral Manager - Caroline Phillips (email)  

School staff
Lead Teacher - Beth Rogers (email)

Kate Bishop (email)
Kerry Dallow (email)
Sandie Stephens (email)

HLTA - Tori Trautman (email)
Teaching Assistant - Gemma Jones (email) 
Teaching Assistant - Hayley Beddoes (email)
Pastoral Support Assistant - Michelle Jones (email)

School Governors (email)
Chair of Governors - Debra Thomas CEO and Founder of GEM Hereford
Safeguarding - Melissa Portman-Lewis
Finance - Sharon Sutherland
SMT - Debra Thomas; Rachel Ballance; Caroline Phillips
Staff Governor - Nominations currently being received
LA Governor - Vacant
Parent Governor - Nominations currently being received

And last but not least, The School Dog - Squirrel
Squirrel is a trained school therapy dog. She visits classrooms and supports students as needed.

Maintained by FourOneThree Group