GEM Hereford

GEM HerefordGEM Hereford


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Every pupil that is referred to Mercia Learning C.I.C. trading as GEM Hereford has been on an individual educational journey to get to us. We have students referred to us from all primary and secondary schools in Herefordshire as well as a number from outside the county. 

Our students, therefore, have experienced different curriculums before joining us. Some will return to their original setting or move onto a setting with a different curriculum. Others will complete their schooling with us. Some of our students are not working at age-related expectations. 

GEM HEREFORD has a robust referral process where information is gathered, baseline assessment information is obtained so that staff use the information to plan for a personalised curriculum per pupil, which is designed to fill gaps in prior learning. GEM HEREFORD is determined to be a safe and positive setting for our students. 

Some are with us for a temporary period with a view to returning to the mainstream, while others can be placed with us for the duration of education until year 11. 


Staff will ensure that the school curriculum is implemented in accordance with this policy. Teachers will: 

Use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including: 

Equal Opportunities 

GEM supports the rights of all students to equal access and opportunities regardless of age, culture, religion, gender, ability, disability or sexuality. The school promotes an ethos of respect for everyone.

Curriculum intent

Our curriculum is flexible, personalised and designed to enable students to progress onto the next stage of their educational journey regardless of their starting points. The students will be taught a common theme per key stage but will have differing individual outcomes depending on their ability. This will enable them to be successful with their peers. Therefore, our students will not necessarily be separated into year groups, only curriculum stages. Our intent is to nurture talents, raise aspirations and develop our students’ social, emotional, physical, and mental health. British values of tolerance and acceptance for all faiths and beliefs will be threaded throughout the curriculum. Where required we will use technology to make 
adaptations where parts of the curriculum are not possible, for example using a computer to watch science experiments.

Our Curriculum aims to:

Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum at GEM HEREFORD reflects our intent through implementing a curriculum that is balanced in its ability to meet the needs of students that have not been successful in mainstream education. Our curriculum contains a balance of academic, life skills and enrichment opportunities. Whatever the pupil is studying there is an element of promoting good behaviour; the ability to self-regulate; the ability to understand and reflect on their actions; to promote success in life after GEM HEREFORD. The curriculum offered is planned to: 

At Key Stage 2, our thematic curriculum aims to provide children with a creative learning experience. 

At Key Stage 3 our thematic curriculum has a focus on mentoring, developing social skills and self-regulating techniques to support a successful transition to Key Stage 4. 

At Key Stage 4, our curriculum is implemented through a mixture of qualifications, and accreditations. 

Teaching and Learning for all students will consider  individual starting points and needs, allowing everyone to experience success

Monitoring, evaluation, and review

The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored continually by the headteacher and the governing board and the board of directors of GEM Hereford. Any necessary amendments will be made immediately.

The next scheduled review date for this policy is stated on the version control rubric found of the front cover of this policy.

The school will establish a monitoring system that is backed up by performance measures and this will be reviewed following an incident.

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