GEM Hereford

GEM HerefordGEM Hereford


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GEM Hereford is an independent special school for young people aged 8-18 with ASD, ADHD, anxiety, trauma, or related diagnoses.

Many of the young people who are referred to GEM Hereford have encountered negative school experiences as a result of their diagnosis. These can include:

In many cases, over time, these factors combine to reach crisis point and lead to school refusal or multiple school exclusions which result in a poor quality of life for the young person and their family. It is often at this point that referrals are made to GEM Hereford. For these reasons, the school strongly believes that referrals and admissions to the school should be a partnership building process with parents, the placing authority, and the school, designed to ensure that the school can meet the needs of the prospective student.

All applicants are carefully considered to ensure that the school is suitable for the young person’s age, ability, aptitude, and special educational needs and that the placement is compatible with the provision of efficient education for other students already attending the school.

No applicants will be treated less favourably during the admissions process in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

The Admissions process appreciates how challenging the transition into a new placement can be for young people and their families. It recognises that the process needs to be planned sensitively and thoroughly.

The time frame for the admissions process depends on a number of factors including:

All referrals and admissions to the school are coordinated and arranged through the Admissions Panel which is made up of the following: the Head Teacher, School Business Manager, Pastoral Manager and a School Governor/Chairperson of the Board.

Admissions Criteria

All young people admitted to GEM Hereford:

Additional information


Referrals are accepted at any time and new admissions can take place throughout the year.

Most referrals are made by local authorities, but in many cases begin as parental enquiries. We encourage parents to visit the school as part of their search for an appropriate placement for their child. Parent visits will be available to make, by appointment only.

Admissions Process

Stage 1 – initial referral either by parent(s)/carer(s), local authority or advocate acting on the parent(s)’ behalf.

Stage 2 – school-based assessment visit

Stage 3 – transition into school

Grounds for withdrawing the placement at this point may include clear evidence that student does not meet our admissions criteria, consistent failure to attend or engage in school activities or clear breaches of parental contract.

Monitoring and review

The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored continually by the headteacher and the governing board and the board of directors of GEM Hereford. Any necessary amendments will be made immediately.

The next scheduled review date for this policy is stated on the version control rubric found of the front cover of this policy.

The school will establish a monitoring system that is backed up by performance measures and this will be reviewed following an incident.

Maintained by FourOneThree Group